Measurement of Energy

Phantom Loading in Energy Meter - Circuit Diagram & Example

In the energy meter testing, the actual registration of energy (by the meter) is verified against known standard values at various loads and power factors. The energy meter testing helps in providing suitable adjustments in the m…

What is Trivector Meter ? - Definition & Working

Trivector meter is used to measure the kVAh and kVA of maximum demand. It consists of two meters whose discs are coupled with a special kind of summator through a complicated gearing system. Among the two meters, one is an energy…

Maximum Demand Indicator - Construction & Working

It is essential that the electrical energy supplied by the electrical power suppliers must be sufficient enough for operating the various equipment of their consumers. In order to achieve this, the generation and distribution sys…

Creeping in Energy Meter - Creeping Error & its Prevention

Creeping in Energy Meter : Generally, the energy meter is designed to measure the energy consumption of load connected to it i.e., the energy meter disc should rotate when there is a flow of load current in the current coil. Whe…

Three Phase Energy Meter - Construction & Working

In the last article, we have seen about single-phase induction type energy meter that can be used to measure the energy consumed in the single-phase circuit. In order to measure the energy consumption of a three-phase circuit thr…

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